“How can you know what death is until you are not on the edge of it?” – Lamda
What do we know about God-Man?
“That he is everything that God loves like the way he loves himself. We are the reason that life manifests itself in us. He is the life itself that we live when we are awake or asleep. We are his mirror, his greatness and his eternity! The God-Man is the creation from the contemplation and from the endless love of the Divine Self. We are the light that shines wherever we might be. We are the EXISTANCE itself, that TO BE, that being of everything that exists and we are very loved by God. Why did we distant so much from this TRUTH? By our decision, this truth, this great EXISTANCE that God is knows that wherever we would move inside his consciousness we are always close to him and he is always with us. So it is only us that think that we distant ourselves from him. Even at the lower frequencies of the consciousness, we move and we live God. That returning home of the prodigal son is however but the recognition that our self is that everlasting presence which allows us to move freely in our consciousness. He always helps us continuously and unlimited so we remember our greatness that we can really use. The recognition that our self is the one that supports us in our life adventure, gets us close and united with God. Then we can say that we are ONE WITH GOD AND THAT WE RECOGNIZE HIM IN US.” – Lamda